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Read more Google Trends

Today find an interesting thing from google service.


Google trends is a service that tell you the search trends of some keywords you inputed, I find that it is useful on SEO that you can use it to analysis which keyword has better search trends.


Read more Embed pdf in a website

Today find an easy way to embed an pdf file in a website, the service provided by google docs.

By use of iframe and just replace the url of your pdf file to the following


You can also go to https://docs.google.com/viewer to do so

Read more Make Loading image by CSS3

With the growth of web 2.0, we got to use ajax much more than the past. To make ajax content loading, we always need to use loading img to cache the interval while loading, we mostly use image display the loading message, but nowaday, you have another choice.

By use of the animation and transform attribute, we can easily make a loading display with CSS3, below is the example


Read more Little Boxes Menu with jQuery

A nice jQuery menu, useful to make gallery menu.

Little Boxes Menu with jQuery

Read more If exists update else insert with only MySQL

Today learn a new method on MySQL. On programing, we always need to judge a record is exists or not, update when exists else insert. I'm always using PHP to do that before, but today I find the that MySQL already have a method to do so. For example, if a table contain three colum a,b,c and a is the unique key or primary key, you can use the following statment to do an update exists else insert.


This will insert a new record when the table hasn't a record a=1 else the record will update c=c+1

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