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Read more Responsive image map

Source: https://github.com/stowball/jQuery-rwdImageMaps

Demo: http://mattstow.com/experiment/responsive-image-maps/rwd-image-maps.html#bubbles

One line code to make your image map responsive, $('img[usemap]').rwdImageMaps();

Read more JS added new input does not post

On developing a submition form, we will sometimes need a variable number of input for some options. In the case we usaully use jquery/js to dynamically add input fields to the form. However, today I face on a problem that the jquery added input does not post to the server side. Finally, I find the reason is related to the strcture of the html.

the html of my code

<table id="table">
			<td><input type="text" name="dynamic[]"></td>
			<td><input type="button" id="addmore"></td>


$(document).ready(function() {
	$("#addmore").click(function() { $("tbody",$("#table")).append(''); });

The reason cost the problem is the order of form and table. In the case, I have put the form inside the table which will make the added input not catch by the form, simply change to the following and the problem solve:


Read more A better way to support placeholder in IE

Using a float span as the placeholder message instead change the value of the input

Firstly, make the form input as following style

<label><input type="text" placeholder="email" /></label>

Read more Little Boxes Menu with jQuery

A nice jQuery menu, useful to make gallery menu.

Little Boxes Menu with jQuery

Read more HoverIntent - an extends for jQuery hover

jQuery hoverIntent is a plugin used to delay the trigger of mouseover and mouse out of hover function. This helps us to prevent user trigger many times of event when move over a layer.

default hover:

$("#layer").hover(function() {
    //mouserover event
},function() {
    //mouserout event


	interval: 500,
	over: function(){
		//mouserover event
	timeout: 500,
	out: function(){
		//mouserout event
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